Calsium Pada Susu Kedelai
Oleh :
A.102.07.050 / YUYUN SUSANTI
Disusun untuk melengkapi tugas mata
kuliah kimia analitik
1. Latar
merupakan makanan yang hampir sempurna dan merupakan makanan alamiah bagi
binatang menyusui yang baru lahir, dimana susu merupakan satu-satunya sumber
makanan pemberi kehidupan segera sesudah kelahiran. Susu didefinisikan sebagai
sekresi dari kelenjar susu binatang yang menyusui anaknya.
bukan hanya dihasilkan dari kelenjar susu sapi, tetapi juga dari mamalia lain
seperti kambing, kuda, kerbau, dll juga manusia. Karena kemajuan teknologi,
susu tidak hanya berasal dari binatang saja, tetapi ada juga susu kedelai. Susu
kedelai adalah produk yang berasal dari ekstrak biji kacang kedelai dengan air
atau larutan tepung kedelai dalam air, dengan atau tanpa penambahan bahan
makanan lain serta bahan tambahan makanan lain yang diizinkan.
gizi dalam susu kedelai meliputi protein, karbohidrat dan lemak
nabati, serat / fiber, lesitin, vitamin A, vitamin B1 dan B2, vitamin E,
mineral seperti Kalsium, magnesium, zat besi, kalium, fosfor, selenium dan seng
, dan polisakarida.
karya tulis ilmiah ini, penulis akan meneliti kadar Kalsium yang berada di susu
kedelai, hal ini dilakukan karena kedelai bukan termasuk dalam bahan makanan
hewani, sedangkan umumnya yang mengandung kalsium tinggi adalah makanan yang
berasal dari hewan sehingga hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan
Kalsium pada bahan pangan non hewani yaitu pada kedelai yang telah di ekstrak
menjadi susu kedelai. Peneliti memilih susu kedelai karena harganya yang lebih
murah dibanding susu sapi, kebanyakan orang yang mengkonsumsi susu sapi merasa mual karena
tingginya kandungan lemak didalamnya, ada juga yang alergi terhadap susu sapi,
juga orang yang vegetarian, susu kedelai juga dikenal memiliki banyak manfaat, dari
hal-hal tersebut maka yang di teliti
disini adalah susu kedelai.
yang diteliti adalah kadar Kalsium karena kebanyakan dari kalangan remaja yang
mengkonsumsi susu bertujuan untuk menambah tinggi badan, salah satu senyawa
terbesar yang dapat mendukung penambahan tinggi badan adalah kalsium. Tubuh
kita mengandung lebih banyak Kalsium daripada mineral lain. Maka dari alasan
tersebut yang diteliti disini adalah kadar Kalsium.
2. Rumusan
Adapun yang menjadi
permasalahan dalam makalah karya tulis ilmiah ini secara umum adalah : “ Apakah
kandungan calcium didalam susu kedelai cukup tinggi dan memenuhi kebutuhan
tubuh sehari-hari ?”, sedangkan rumusan masalah secara khusus “ Jika iya,
berapa kadar kalsium didalam susu kedelai?”
1. Dasar
adalah salah satu tanaman polong-polongan yang dalam bahasa mandarin disebut
juga “Yellow Bean (kacang kuning)”. Kedelai telah lama dikenal sebagai sebagai
sumber zat gizi lain selain protein. Komoditi ini ternyatajuga berpotensi
sebagai sumber zat gizi lain selain protein, yaitu mineral, vitamin B,
karbohidrat kompleks dan serat makanan. Disamping diolah secara
tradisional dengan direbus, dikukus, dan disayur,
sebenarnya potensi penggunaannya sangat luas untuk menghasilkan produk
baru.Misalnya sebagai bahan baku tepung campuran (flour mix) yang dapat
digunakan dalampembuatan berbagai produk pangan seperti, tahu, tempe, kecap, susu
dan lain-lain.
kedelai adalah produk yang berasal dari ekstrak biji kacang kedelai dengan air
atau larutan tepung kedelai dalam air, dengan atau tanpa penambahan bahan
makanan lain serta bahan tambahan makanan lain yang diizinkan. Susu kedelai
dikenal banyak mengandung manfaat, seperti sebagai solusi alergi susu sapi,
pencegah kanker, nutrisi untuk wanita hamil. Kandungan gizi dalam susu kedelai meliputi protein, karbohidrat dan lemak
nabati, serat / fiber, lesitin, vitamin A, vitamin B1 dan B2, vitamin E,
mineral seperti Kalsium, magnesium, zat besi, kalium, fosfor, selenium dan seng
, dan polisakarida.
kedelai kaya akan mineral seperti kalsium, magnesium, zat besi, kalium, fosfor,
selenium dan seng. Kalsium adalah mineral yang sangat penting karena dapat
membantu meningkatkan kepadatan tulang, kekuatan tulang dan juga sapat mencegah
osteoporosis. Ada berbagai macam makanan yang mengandung kalsium, tetapi kacang
kedelai mengandung lebih sedikit methione dibanding makanan lain. Methione
adalah sejenis asam amino yang dapat menyebabkan kehilangan banyak kalsium
dalam tubuh. Kacang kedelai mengandung selenium, sejenis antioxidant yang dapat
membersihkan dari sel tubuh kita dan juga mencegah pembentukan sel tumor.
manusia mengandung lebih banyak kalsium daripada mineral lain. Sebagian besar
kalsium terkonsentrasi dalam tulang rawan dan gigi, sisanya terdapat dalam
cairan tubuh dan jaringan lunak. Peranan kalsium dalam tubuh pada umumnya
membantu membentuk tulang dan gigi dan mengukur proses biologis dalam tubuh.
Keperluan kalsium dalam tubuh
biasanya dihitung dengan keseimbangan kalsium, kira-kira sama dengan yang
digunakan untuk menghitung keseimbangan nitrogen . orang dewasa memerlukan 700
mg (0,7 gram) kalsium per hari. Menurut Widya Karya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi (1978)
konsumsi yang dianjurkan untuk anak dibawah 10 tahun sebanyak 0,5 gram per
orang per hari dan dewasa 0,5 – 0,7 gram per orang per hari. Maka dari itu kita
memerlukan kalsium yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh.
Kadar kalsium dalam susu kedelai
dapat diketahui dengan titrasi metode kompleksometri. Titrasi kompleksometri
adalah titrasi berdasarkan pembentukan senyawa kompleks antara kation dengan
zat pembentuk kompleks. Sebagai zat pembentuk kompleks yang banyak digunakan
dalam titrasi kompleksometri adalah garam dinatrium etilendiamina tetraasetat
(dinatrium EDTA). Kestabilan dari senyawa kompleks yang terbentuk tergantung
dari sifat kation dan Ph dari larutan, oleh karena titrasi harus dilakukan pada
pH tertentu. Untuk menetapkan titik akhir titrasi digunakan indicator logam,
yaitu indicator yang dapat membentuk senyawa kompleks dengan logam. Indicator
yang banyak digunakan dalam titrasi kompleksometri adalah kalkon, asam kalkon
karboksilat, hitam eriokrom-T dan jingga xilenol. Untuk logam yang cepat dengan
cepat dapat membentuk senyawa kompleks biasanya titrasinya dilakukan secara
langsung, sedang yang lambat membentuk senyawa kompleks dilakukan titrasi
substitusi diterapkan untuk ion logam yang tidak bereaksi atau bereaksi kurang
memuaskan dengan indicator metal. Dengan tehnik ini, maka ion logam mula-mula
direaksikan dengan metal EDTA yang kurang stabil.pada penetapan Ca2+ dengan
indicator hitam eriokrom-T.
titrasi langsung dari ion Ca2+, hitam erikrom-T tidak memberikan
titik akhir yang jelas. Tetapi bila ada magnesium yang biasanya ditambahkan
sebagai kompleks Mg-EDTA, maka Mg2+ dari kompleks tersebut akan
diusir oleh Ca2+, sehingga Mg2+ akan membentuk kompleks
Mg-Eriokrom yang pada titik akhir memberikan perubahan warna yang jelas yaitu
merah menjadi biru.
yang terjadi dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut :
a. Sebelum
dititrasi : sebagian kecil ion Ca2+ bereaksi :
(biru) (merah)
b. Selama
titrasi : dalam larutan terdapat Ca2+, Mg2+, dan MgIn-
c. Pada
titik akhir :
(merah) (biru)
2. Cara
Alat dan bahan yang
digunakan :
Sampel susu kedelai
Air suling
Kruss porselin
Erlenmeyer 300 ml
Hot plate
Neraca analitis
Pipet volume 25 ml
Labu takar 500 ml
Gelas ukur 10 ml & 50 ml
yang digunakan :
larutan standar primer ZnSO4
. 7H2O
Na2EDTA standart
100 mg serbuk indicator murexide
buffer pH 10
indicator EBT
100 mg campuran murexide dengan NaCl (1
: 100)
a. Persiapan
sampel ( destruksi kering )
1. Air
susu kedelai ditimbang lebih kurang 50 gram didalam kruss porselen.
2. Kemudian
diarangkan dengan hot plate dan didinginkan dalam desikator selama 30 menit.
3. Sampel
kering dimasukkan dalam tanur pada suhu 450°C selama 5 jam.
4. Kemudian
dibiarkan mendingin dalam desikator.
5. Ditimbang
berat abunya. (Barus P., 2005)
b. Prosedur
Larutkan sejumlah zat
uji yang ditimbang seksama, seperti yang tertera pada monografi, dalam beberapa
ml air. Jika perlu asamkan dengan sedikit asam klorida encer P, encerkan dengan
air secukupnya hingga lebih kurang 100 ml. titrasi dengan dinatrium edetat 0,05
M, dan pada lebih kurang 2 ml sebelum titik akhir titrasi, tambahkan 4 ml
larutan natrium hidroksida P 30 % b/v, dan 100 mg kalkon campur P atau asam
kalkon karboksilat campur P. lanjutkan titrasi hingga warna larutan berubah
dari merah jambu menjadi biru.
1 ml dinatrium edetat
0,05 M setara dengan 2,004 mg Ca
c. Cara
A. Standarisasi
1. Pipet
10,0 ml larutan standar primer ZnSO4 . 7H2O dan masukkan
kedalam Erlenmeyer.
2. Tambahkan
2 ml buffer pH 10.
3. Tambahkan
3 tetes indicator EBT.
4. Titrasi
dengan larutan Na2EDTA dari warna merah anggur hingga terbentuk
warna biru.
B. Penetapan
kadar sampel
1. Timbang
dengan teliti 500 mg sampel, larutkan dengan pelarut yang sesuai, masukkan kedalam
labu ukur 500 ml, encerkan dengan air suling sampai tanda garis.
2. Ambil
dengan pipet volumetric 25 ml larutan sampel tersebut diatas, masukkan kedalam
labu Erlenmeyer 300 ml, encerkan dengan air suling sampai volume mencapai
kira-kira 150 ml.
3. Tambahkan
larutan buffer pH 10 sebanyak 8 ml dan 100 mg serbuk indicator murexide.
4. Titrasi
dengan larutan standart EDTA 0,1 M sampai warna berubah dari merah menjadi ungu
C. Perhitungan
dengan kesetaraan :
1. Dengan
kesetaraan :
1 ml Na2EDTA 0,1 M ≈ 4,008
mg Ca.
Dengan rumus :
% Ca =
(ml x M) EDTA x BA Ca x 100 x D
Berat sampel (mg)
Ca : 40,08
1. Hal
– hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan dalam percobaan
Ph pada saat titrasi harus tertentu
dimana kompleks stabil.
Karena jika terlalu
asam ( pH rendah ), maka kompleks logam akan terdisosiasi dan kesetimbangan
akan bergeser ke kiri.
Jika terlalu alkalis
(pH tinggi) maka kemungkinan akan terbentuk endapan hidroksida dari metal yang
Perlakuan sampel sebaiknya dilakukan,
karena susu merupakan suatu senyawa yang sangat kompleks, hal tersebut
dilakukan agar yang diperiksa benar-benar dari sisa mineral yang telah
diabukan. Jika langsung menitrasi dalam bentuk susu, hasil yang diperoleh tidak
2. Manfaat
percobaan bagi masyarakat
Dengan melakukan penelitian ini,
masyarakat akan tahu bahwa di dalam susu kedelai pun juga mengandung calcium.
Jadi tidak perlu khawatir akan kekurangan kadar Kalsium dalam tubuh karena
kandungan kalsium dalam susu kedelai telah mencukupi kadar kalsium yang
diperlukan oleh tubuh jika dikonsumsi setiap hari.
Masyarakat bisa mengkonsumsi susu
bercalsium yang murah meriah tanpa
membebani kebutuhan hidup mereka yang lain.
Selain manfaat dari kalsium itu sendiri,
manfaat yang lainnya juga bisa diperoleh dari susu kedelai tersebut.
1. Anonim,
1995, Ilmu Kimia Teori Jilid III,
Departemen Kesehatan Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan, Jakarta
2. Anonimus.
SNI 01-3830-1995.”Susu Kedelai”. Jakarta : Badan
Standarisasi Nasional.
3. Anonimus,
2009 “Skripsi Penetapan Kadar Kalsium Pada Susu Sapi, Susu Sapi Kemasan Dan Air
Tajin Secara Spektofotometri Serapan Atom”. Medan: Program Regular Sarjana
Farmasi Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Sumatera Utara.
4. Anonym,
1979, Farmakope Indonesia Edisi III, Departemen
Kesehatan Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan
5. F.G.
Winarno, 1986, Kimia Pangan Dan Gizi,
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta
6. K.A.
Buckle, R.A. Edwards, G.H Fleet, M.Wooton.1989.Ilmu Pangan, Jakarta
By:A.102.07.050 / Yuyun Susanti
Prepared to complete the task of analytical chemistry coursesAAK NATIONAL SURAKARTA2012CHAPTER I
A. INTRODUCTIONA. BackgroundMilk is an almost perfect food and is a natural food for newborn mammals, where milk is the only source of life-giving foods soon after birth. Is defined as the secretion of milk from the mammary gland of animals who breastfeed their children.Milk is not only produced from the mammary glands of cows, but also from other mammals such as goats, horses, buffalo, etc. are also human. Due to technological advances, not only from dairy animals, but there are also soy milk. Soy milk is a product derived from soybean seed extract with water or a solution of soybean flour in water, with or without the addition of other food ingredients and other food additives are permitted.Nutrients in milk include soy protein, carbohydrates and fats, fiber / fiber, lecithin, vitamin A, vitamin B1 and B2, vitamin E, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc, and polysaccharides.In a scientific paper, the authors will examine the levels of calcium in soy milk, this is done because soy is not included in animal foods, while generally a high calcium is food of animal origin, so this is done to determine the content of calcium in non-animal food that is on a soybean extract that has been on a soy milk. Researchers choose soy milk because they were cheaper than cow's milk, most people who consume cow's milk was sick with high content of fat in it, there are also allergic to cow's milk, as well as people who vegetarians, soy milk is also known to have many benefits, from the -it is then that in careful here is soy milk.Objects studied are calcium levels because most of the teenagers who consume dairy aims to add height, one of the largest compounds that can support the additional height is calcium. Our bodies contain more calcium than other minerals. Then of the argument here is examined calcium levels.
2. Formulation of the problemAs for the problem in this scientific paper writing in general is: "Is the calcium content is high in soy milk and meet the daily needs of the body?", While the formulation of the problem is specifically "If so, what level of calcium in soy milk?"
B. METHODSA. Basic theorySoybeans are one of the leguminous plants which in Mandarin is also called "Yellow Bean (bean yellow)". Soybeans have long been recognized as a source of nutrients other than protein. This commodity ternyatajuga potential as a source of nutrients other than protein, namely minerals, B vitamins, complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber.Besides the traditionally processed by boiling, steaming, and disayur, actually use a very broad potential to produce products as raw materials baru.Misalnya flour mixture (flour mix) that can be used in the manufacture of various food products such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk and other so on.Soy milk is a product derived from soybean seed extract with water or a solution of soybean flour in water, with or without the addition of other food ingredients and other food additives are permitted. Soy milk contains many known benefits, such as a solution to cow's milk allergy, cancer prevention, nutrition for pregnant women. Nutrients in milk include soy protein, carbohydrates and fats, fiber / fiber, lecithin, vitamin A, vitamin B1 and B2, vitamin E, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc, and polysaccharides.Soya beans are rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Calcium is a mineral that is very important because it helps increase bone density, bone strength and prevent osteoporosis sapat. There are different kinds of foods that contain calcium, but soybeans contain less methione than other foods. Methione is a kind of amino acids that can cause the loss of a lot of calcium in the body. Soybeans contain selenium, a type of antioxidant which can cleanse our body cells and also prevents the formation of tumor cells.The human body contains more calcium than other minerals. Most of the calcium is concentrated in the cartilage and teeth, the rest is found in body fluids and soft tissues.The role of calcium in the body in general helps form bones and teeth and measure biological processes in the body.Purposes of calcium in the body is usually calculated by the balance of calcium, about the same as those used to calculate nitrogen balance. adults need 700 mg (0.7 grams) of calcium per day. According to the National Work Widya Food and Nutrition (1978) The recommended intake for children under 10 years of 0.5 grams per person per day and up from 0.5 to 0.7 grams per person per day. Therefore we need enough calcium to meet the needs of the body.Levels of calcium in soy milk can be determined by titration method kompleksometri.Kompleksometri titration is titration based on the formation of complexes between cations with complex-forming substances. As complex-forming substances that are widely used in the titration of ethylenediamine disodium salt kompleksometri is tetraasetat (disodium EDTA). The stability of complex compounds are formed depending on the nature of the cation and the pH of the solution, because the titration must be done at a certain pH. To set the end point of titration used indicator of metal, ie indicators that can form complexes with metal compounds. Indicators are widely used in the titration kompleksometri is kalkon, kalkon carboxylic acid, black and orange T-eriokrom xilenol. For rapid metal can quickly form a complex compound titration is usually carried out directly, while the slow forming complex compounds made back titration.Titration of the substitution is applied to metal ions do not react or react less satisfactory with metal indicator. With this technique, the first metal ion is reacted with a metal EDTA stabil.pada less Ca2 + determination with eriokrom black-T indicator.In the direct titration of Ca2 + ions, erikrom black-T does not provide a clear end point.But if there is magnesium which is usually added as Mg-EDTA complex, the Mg 2 + from the complex will be evicted by Ca2 +, Mg2 + so that would form the complex Mg-Eriokrom the end point gives a clear color change of red to blue.Reactions that occur can be described as follows:a. Before titration: fraction of Ca2 + ions react:MGy = Ca2 + + Mg2 + + = CayHIn = Mg2 + + + H +-MgIn(Blue) (red)b. During the titration: there is a solution of Ca2 +, Mg2 +, and MgIn-Ca2 + + H2Y = Cay = + 2 H +c. At the end point:Mg2 + + + H2Y = mGy-2 H +MgIn-+ H2Y = mGy-H-+ + + HIn(Red) (blue)
2. How it worksTools and materials used:• Samples of soy milk• Distilled• porcelain Kruss• 300 ml Erlenmeyer• Hot plate• The furnace• Analytical Balance• Pipette 25 ml volume• drinks a 500 ml flask• Measuring cup 10 ml & 50 ml• desiccator• BuretteReagents used:• Primary standard solution ZnSO4. 7H2O• standard Na2EDTA• 100 mg of powder indicator murexide• buffer pH 10• EBT indicator• 100 mg murexide mixed with NaCl (1: 100)
a. Sample preparation (dry destruction)A. Soy milk is weighed approximately 50 grams in kruss porcelain.2. Then diarangkan with hot plate and cooled in a desiccator for 30 minutes.3. Dried sample is inserted in a furnace at a temperature of 450 ° C for 5 hours.4. Then allowed to cool in a desiccator.5. Weighed heavy ashes. (Barus P., 2005)
b. Inspection proceduresDissolve a test substance are weighed carefully, as it appears in the monograph, in a few ml of water. If you need to acidify with dilute hydrochloric acid little P, dilute with enough water to approximately 100 ml. titration with 0.05 M disodium edetat, and at approximately 2 ml before titration end point, add 4 ml of M sodium hydroxide solution 30% w / v, and 100 mg P kalkon mixed or mixed carboxylic acid kalkon P. continue the titration until the solution color changed from pink to blue.
1 ml of 0.05 M disodium edetat equivalent to 2.004 mg of Ca
c. How it worksA. Standardization of Na2EDTAA. Pipette 10.0 ml of primary standard solution ZnSO4. 7H2O and enter into the Erlenmeyer.2. Add 2 ml of buffer pH 10.3. Add 3 drops of EBT indicator.4. Titration with Na2EDTA solution of red wine to form a blue color.
B. Assay of samplesA. Weigh accurately 500 mg of sample, dissolved in a suitable solvent, enter into a 500 ml volumetric flask, dilute with distilled water to mark the line.2. Take a volumetric pipette 25 ml of sample solution mentioned above, enter into a 300 ml Erlenmeyer flask, dilute with distilled water until the volume reached about 150 ml.3. Add buffer solution of pH 10 with 8 ml and 100 mg powder murexide indicator.4. Titration with 0.1 M EDTA standard solution until the color changes from red to bluish purple.C. Calculations with equality:A. With equality:1 ml of 0.1 M Na2EDTA ≈ 4.008 mg Ca.2. By the formula:% Ca = (ml x M) EDTA Ca x BA x 100 x DSample weight (mg)
BA Ca: 40.08
C. CONCLUSIONA. Things - important things to note in the trial• Ph during the titration must be given where the complex is stable.Because if it is too acidic (low pH), the metal complexes will be dissociated and the equilibrium will shift to the left.If it is too alkaline (high pH) is likely to be formed of metal hydroxide precipitation is concerned.• The treatment of samples should be done, because milk is a highly complex compound, it is done in order to be examined completely from the rest of the minerals that have been diabukan. If a direct titrating in the form of milk, the results are not valid.
2. Benefits for the community trial• By doing this research, the public will know that in any soy milk also contains calcium.So no need to worry about the lack of calcium levels in the body because the content of calcium in soy milk are sufficient levels of calcium needed by the body if consumed every day.• People can consume milk bercalsium a cheap without burdening the other necessities of life.• In addition to the benefits of calcium alone, other benefits can also be obtained from the soy milk.
A. Anonymous, 1995, Volume III Theory of Chemical Sciences, Ministry of Health Personnel Health Education Center, Jakarta2. Anonymous. SNI 01-3830-1995. "Soy Milk". New York:National standardization.3. Anonymous, 2009 "Final Determination of Levels of Calcium in Dairy Cattle, Dairy Cattle Packaging And Water In Spektofotometri Tajin Atomic Absorption". Medan: Regular Program Graduate Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra.4. Anonymous, 1979, Edition III Pharmacopoeia Indonesia, the Ministry of Health Personnel Health Education Center5. F.G. Winarno, 1986, Chemistry of Food and Nutrition, Inc. Press, Jakarta6. K.A. Buckle, R.A. Edwards, GH Fleet, M.Wooton.1989.Ilmu Food, Jakarta
By:A.102.07.050 / Yuyun Susanti
Prepared to complete the task of analytical chemistry coursesAAK NATIONAL SURAKARTA2012CHAPTER I
A. INTRODUCTIONA. BackgroundMilk is an almost perfect food and is a natural food for newborn mammals, where milk is the only source of life-giving foods soon after birth. Is defined as the secretion of milk from the mammary gland of animals who breastfeed their children.Milk is not only produced from the mammary glands of cows, but also from other mammals such as goats, horses, buffalo, etc. are also human. Due to technological advances, not only from dairy animals, but there are also soy milk. Soy milk is a product derived from soybean seed extract with water or a solution of soybean flour in water, with or without the addition of other food ingredients and other food additives are permitted.Nutrients in milk include soy protein, carbohydrates and fats, fiber / fiber, lecithin, vitamin A, vitamin B1 and B2, vitamin E, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc, and polysaccharides.In a scientific paper, the authors will examine the levels of calcium in soy milk, this is done because soy is not included in animal foods, while generally a high calcium is food of animal origin, so this is done to determine the content of calcium in non-animal food that is on a soybean extract that has been on a soy milk. Researchers choose soy milk because they were cheaper than cow's milk, most people who consume cow's milk was sick with high content of fat in it, there are also allergic to cow's milk, as well as people who vegetarians, soy milk is also known to have many benefits, from the -it is then that in careful here is soy milk.Objects studied are calcium levels because most of the teenagers who consume dairy aims to add height, one of the largest compounds that can support the additional height is calcium. Our bodies contain more calcium than other minerals. Then of the argument here is examined calcium levels.
2. Formulation of the problemAs for the problem in this scientific paper writing in general is: "Is the calcium content is high in soy milk and meet the daily needs of the body?", While the formulation of the problem is specifically "If so, what level of calcium in soy milk?"
B. METHODSA. Basic theorySoybeans are one of the leguminous plants which in Mandarin is also called "Yellow Bean (bean yellow)". Soybeans have long been recognized as a source of nutrients other than protein. This commodity ternyatajuga potential as a source of nutrients other than protein, namely minerals, B vitamins, complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber.Besides the traditionally processed by boiling, steaming, and disayur, actually use a very broad potential to produce products as raw materials baru.Misalnya flour mixture (flour mix) that can be used in the manufacture of various food products such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk and other so on.Soy milk is a product derived from soybean seed extract with water or a solution of soybean flour in water, with or without the addition of other food ingredients and other food additives are permitted. Soy milk contains many known benefits, such as a solution to cow's milk allergy, cancer prevention, nutrition for pregnant women. Nutrients in milk include soy protein, carbohydrates and fats, fiber / fiber, lecithin, vitamin A, vitamin B1 and B2, vitamin E, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc, and polysaccharides.Soya beans are rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Calcium is a mineral that is very important because it helps increase bone density, bone strength and prevent osteoporosis sapat. There are different kinds of foods that contain calcium, but soybeans contain less methione than other foods. Methione is a kind of amino acids that can cause the loss of a lot of calcium in the body. Soybeans contain selenium, a type of antioxidant which can cleanse our body cells and also prevents the formation of tumor cells.The human body contains more calcium than other minerals. Most of the calcium is concentrated in the cartilage and teeth, the rest is found in body fluids and soft tissues.The role of calcium in the body in general helps form bones and teeth and measure biological processes in the body.Purposes of calcium in the body is usually calculated by the balance of calcium, about the same as those used to calculate nitrogen balance. adults need 700 mg (0.7 grams) of calcium per day. According to the National Work Widya Food and Nutrition (1978) The recommended intake for children under 10 years of 0.5 grams per person per day and up from 0.5 to 0.7 grams per person per day. Therefore we need enough calcium to meet the needs of the body.Levels of calcium in soy milk can be determined by titration method kompleksometri.Kompleksometri titration is titration based on the formation of complexes between cations with complex-forming substances. As complex-forming substances that are widely used in the titration of ethylenediamine disodium salt kompleksometri is tetraasetat (disodium EDTA). The stability of complex compounds are formed depending on the nature of the cation and the pH of the solution, because the titration must be done at a certain pH. To set the end point of titration used indicator of metal, ie indicators that can form complexes with metal compounds. Indicators are widely used in the titration kompleksometri is kalkon, kalkon carboxylic acid, black and orange T-eriokrom xilenol. For rapid metal can quickly form a complex compound titration is usually carried out directly, while the slow forming complex compounds made back titration.Titration of the substitution is applied to metal ions do not react or react less satisfactory with metal indicator. With this technique, the first metal ion is reacted with a metal EDTA stabil.pada less Ca2 + determination with eriokrom black-T indicator.In the direct titration of Ca2 + ions, erikrom black-T does not provide a clear end point.But if there is magnesium which is usually added as Mg-EDTA complex, the Mg 2 + from the complex will be evicted by Ca2 +, Mg2 + so that would form the complex Mg-Eriokrom the end point gives a clear color change of red to blue.Reactions that occur can be described as follows:a. Before titration: fraction of Ca2 + ions react:MGy = Ca2 + + Mg2 + + = CayHIn = Mg2 + + + H +-MgIn(Blue) (red)b. During the titration: there is a solution of Ca2 +, Mg2 +, and MgIn-Ca2 + + H2Y = Cay = + 2 H +c. At the end point:Mg2 + + + H2Y = mGy-2 H +MgIn-+ H2Y = mGy-H-+ + + HIn(Red) (blue)
2. How it worksTools and materials used:• Samples of soy milk• Distilled• porcelain Kruss• 300 ml Erlenmeyer• Hot plate• The furnace• Analytical Balance• Pipette 25 ml volume• drinks a 500 ml flask• Measuring cup 10 ml & 50 ml• desiccator• BuretteReagents used:• Primary standard solution ZnSO4. 7H2O• standard Na2EDTA• 100 mg of powder indicator murexide• buffer pH 10• EBT indicator• 100 mg murexide mixed with NaCl (1: 100)
a. Sample preparation (dry destruction)A. Soy milk is weighed approximately 50 grams in kruss porcelain.2. Then diarangkan with hot plate and cooled in a desiccator for 30 minutes.3. Dried sample is inserted in a furnace at a temperature of 450 ° C for 5 hours.4. Then allowed to cool in a desiccator.5. Weighed heavy ashes. (Barus P., 2005)
b. Inspection proceduresDissolve a test substance are weighed carefully, as it appears in the monograph, in a few ml of water. If you need to acidify with dilute hydrochloric acid little P, dilute with enough water to approximately 100 ml. titration with 0.05 M disodium edetat, and at approximately 2 ml before titration end point, add 4 ml of M sodium hydroxide solution 30% w / v, and 100 mg P kalkon mixed or mixed carboxylic acid kalkon P. continue the titration until the solution color changed from pink to blue.
1 ml of 0.05 M disodium edetat equivalent to 2.004 mg of Ca
c. How it worksA. Standardization of Na2EDTAA. Pipette 10.0 ml of primary standard solution ZnSO4. 7H2O and enter into the Erlenmeyer.2. Add 2 ml of buffer pH 10.3. Add 3 drops of EBT indicator.4. Titration with Na2EDTA solution of red wine to form a blue color.
B. Assay of samplesA. Weigh accurately 500 mg of sample, dissolved in a suitable solvent, enter into a 500 ml volumetric flask, dilute with distilled water to mark the line.2. Take a volumetric pipette 25 ml of sample solution mentioned above, enter into a 300 ml Erlenmeyer flask, dilute with distilled water until the volume reached about 150 ml.3. Add buffer solution of pH 10 with 8 ml and 100 mg powder murexide indicator.4. Titration with 0.1 M EDTA standard solution until the color changes from red to bluish purple.C. Calculations with equality:A. With equality:1 ml of 0.1 M Na2EDTA ≈ 4.008 mg Ca.2. By the formula:% Ca = (ml x M) EDTA Ca x BA x 100 x DSample weight (mg)
BA Ca: 40.08
C. CONCLUSIONA. Things - important things to note in the trial• Ph during the titration must be given where the complex is stable.Because if it is too acidic (low pH), the metal complexes will be dissociated and the equilibrium will shift to the left.If it is too alkaline (high pH) is likely to be formed of metal hydroxide precipitation is concerned.• The treatment of samples should be done, because milk is a highly complex compound, it is done in order to be examined completely from the rest of the minerals that have been diabukan. If a direct titrating in the form of milk, the results are not valid.
2. Benefits for the community trial• By doing this research, the public will know that in any soy milk also contains calcium.So no need to worry about the lack of calcium levels in the body because the content of calcium in soy milk are sufficient levels of calcium needed by the body if consumed every day.• People can consume milk bercalsium a cheap without burdening the other necessities of life.• In addition to the benefits of calcium alone, other benefits can also be obtained from the soy milk.
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